W3ST Panel; DeFi for Financial Inclusion "Breaking Down Barriers to Access"

🔈 This episode is dedicated to the Web3 Stronger Together ecosystem initiative and its 1st virtual summit, which took place between March 1st and March 4, 2023, in Evveland’s Metaverse - a virtual platform uniting several hundred Web 3 Leaders & Thinkers, over 100 projects and speakers and over 5000 attendees from across the world.

The panel covers how DeFi can provide financial access to underserved populations. The speakers identify the major barriers to financial inclusion as well as advantages to DeFi, the problem of decentralization and the realistic differences between DeFi, CeFi and FinTech, reflections of what MICA and other global regulation initiatives will bring as well as financial inclusion integration projects. 🔈

Episode 45

🔈The panel covers how DeFi can provide financial access to underserved populations. The speakers identify the major barriers to financial inclusion as well as advantages to DeFi.
Play Episode 45
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