W3ST Panel; The Rise of DeFi "Disrupting Traditional Financial Institutions"

🔈 This episode is dedicated to the Web3 Stronger Together ecosystem initiative and its 1st virtual summit, which took place between March 1st and March 4, 2023, in Evveland’s Metaverse - a virtual platform uniting several hundred Web 3 Leaders & Thinkers, over 100 projects and speakers and over 5000 attendees from across the world.

The panel talks about the rise of DeFi and disrupting traditional financial institutions. The speakers 1st define DeFi in more depth and speak about the role of smart contracts. They further discuss advantages and the value of DeFi, use cases, and opinions on trends on the market and technology side in addition to shedding light on how DeFi will coexist with traditional finance. 🔈

Episode 44

🔈The panel talks about the rise of DeFi and disrupting traditional financial institutions. The speakers 1st define DeFi in more depth and speak about the role of smart contracts.
Play Episode 44
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